LUDO is a board game developed in Unity3D that can be played by 2 or 4 players. This game pack is supported for both Android and iOS platforms.
At the start of the game, players place their four pieces in the starting area of their color. In this game, players must race their four cards from start to finish.
Ludo source code has been written in an easy to understand manner and has been properly commented and written in every scenario written in C#.
- Unity3D 5.6.3 or higher
- Support for iOS and Android platforms
- 2-4 player game
- The source code is well commented and documented and can be easily understood.
- Sound properties included with SounManagerScript.cs
- Good graphics
- Easy Reskinning of this project and very simple code to do the same
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Here is the guide to setup LUDO game template in Unity3D:
1.) Create a new Unity3D game project. 2.) Import unitypackage in Unity3D 5.3.4 or higher 3.) Change the platform from Unity3D to File -> Build Settings and switch to Android or iOS platform.
4.) Drag all the scenes in the Scenes folder into the File->Build Settings window.
5.) Change the default orientation to Landscape Left when the game is developed in Landscape mode. (File->Build->Player Settings->Resolution and Presentation -> Default orientation should be Landscape Left)
6.) Create an apk file and deploy it on your Android device. 7.) That's it.