- Soldier character model, with customizable colors by shader.
- 2 weapons models (Pistol & Rifle)
- Lots of animations.
- Complete character controller and Inventory script using mouse & keyboard or Joystick to control the player
- Fully customizable Weapons component, where you can change from Fire Rate to Accuracy (divergence) and selectable bullet prefabs, velocity, how many bullets per shot, and more...
- Four PREMADE weapons (Pistol, Rifle, Rocket Launcher and Shotgun ;) )
- Player HUD: Health, Stamina, weapons stats (weapon icon, bullets and clips counters)
- Objective radar included on player (Direction and distance)
- Standard camera Rig following player smootly with parametric camera shakes for shooting and explosions
- Pick up actor for items (Weapons, keys, Health or Ammo)
- Automatic Doors, lockeables and customizables (singles and doubles)
- Interactuable panels to use in different situations, like opening doors, or activating anything in the scene.
- Basic Enemy AI using waypoints and Unity Nav Meshes
- Enemy Spawner component, with basic parameters like Spawn rate, max spawn, spawn area, and more...
- Waypoint route component to create the enemy waypoints routes easily, assigning transforms to an array and visualazing everything you need in the editor
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Nguồn: Sharecode.vn
Requires Unity 5.3.4 or higher.